søndag 7. mars 2010

Pan (a) Sonic

Today, I've got Pan Sonic going. I just love their industrial minimalism. These guys really know how to make a lot out of little. Check out the album "B"!

I actually saw these guys live once, but then I didn't really appreciate much of what was going on. I just hung around in the bar and threw sorry comments about it all. To such an extent that the bartender nearly threw me out. Before that, I never knew bartenders actually listened.

Evidently I'm a slow comer, but nowadays, I really enjoy their music. And no one will ever again hear my bullshitting about it, I promise! Actually, I just ordered their first record "Panasonic EP", and look forward to receiving it! Along with it, I ordered a record by Ø. I'll get back to that.

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